Wednesday, August 10, 2011


So I did it,'s not the thing I lean in to, writing that is.  I would rather speak than write,  however I have come to realize that those two things usually go hand in hand.  So the question is, can I get my thoughts out in a manner where they make sense.  The verdict will be out on that for awhile but I'm going to start.  Getting some things down because I do like to influence and because of that I will write.  So here it goes..

This is a picture taken on a family vacation last spring on Jekyll Island, GA  I love this picture  because it's a reminder to me that when I get a chance to spread out, I grow. 

This tree is close to the ocean and yet it stands, through wind and rain storms and hurricanes.  It grows deep and spreads out, tall and open, strong and resilient.  It is not in a safe place, yet it stands. 

 It's a picture of leadership.

 It is the very winds and sun and rain that cause this tree to stand firm.

 It's the same in life as I see it.  I would like to be hidden away, safe and secure..... yet the growing comes as storms often do both in life and in nature.  I want to grow but I don't want to take the hits... it doesn't work that way does it? 

So no, you probably won't find me praying for the storms but you will see me stretching to the sky...knowing that storms and growing go hand in hand.


  1. Thanks for sharing. I am so excited that you are blogging. You have so much to give. Can't wait for more!
