Monday, August 22, 2011


I have two groups of friends.  Those who love and move in to brokenness and those who love and move toward action, activity and achieving.
Yes I love to be around those who know their own stuff and function out of humility...and I love to be around people who are people of action.

So I feel torn between two worlds.  I read books like Ruth Haley Barton's book, "nurturing the soul of your leadership"  great read...mostly because it challenges me....this is not what I naturally lean in to.  Then I hear Bill Hybles speak about leadership...and when he was very young, he wanted to stand up on the church pew and yell, "would someone please lead" that I get.  Leadership from two different perspectives.

So confession time...I know I need to function from a place of knowing who I am, my faults, and areas of weakness.  Part of that is being willing to be wrong, admit it and say sorry.  Part of that is knowing you need other people around you, those who fill in the blanks of your leadership, of my leadership.

When you lead, lead with humility but lead....I mean find out where you're headed and call the troupes to follow, yes get buy in, yes bring a team around you and ask for thoughts and insight, yes collect all the data, yes do the research...but in the end when it's all said and done someone has to say, this is where where headed...follow me.

What type of leader do you best respond to?


  1. I will make this short and sweet. I respond to individuals who are about action. I do not do well with "Talkers." I need action. Without action I become very bored.

  2. I find this inspiring, honestly. I'm at a point in my life where I'm still really working on figuring out who I am...and while I don't think this stage ever truly ends, I think there comes a point when you begin to know yourself with certainty in some ways...I'm still getting there. As I am so passionate about so many things, I'd love to be a leader. However, I always find myself struggling to discover the best way to do so. I think you lead in a way that I would aspire command a certain attention when you speak, strong and quietly confident, but open to suggestion and differing opinion. Thank you for sharing this on fb, I find it was something I needed to read.
